How to backup ESXi server configuration

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How to backup ESXi server configuration to remote location or local.

Using the vSphere CLI:

vicfg-cfgbackup --server=ESXi_host --username=root -s output_file_name.tgz

Using the vSphere CLI for Windows: --server=ESXi_host_IP_address --username=root -s output_file_name.tgz

Using the vSphere PowerCLI:

Get-VMHostFirmware -VMHost ESXi_host -BackupConfiguration -DestinationPath output_directory

Using the ESXi Command Line:

vim-cmd hostsvc/firmware/backup_config 

Note: The command above should output a URL in which a web browser may be used to download the file. The backup file is located in the /scratch/downloads directory as configBundle-HostFQDN.tgz

Local Backup Log in via tech support mode (local console or ssh). 0

Restoring ESXi host configuration data Restoring the host configuration restores the state of the ESXi along with the vSphere standard switch networking configuration.

Note: When restoring configuration data, the build number of the host must match the build number of the host on backup file and UUID (can be obtained using the command  "esxcfg-info -u") of the host should match the UUID of the host on backup file. Use the -f option (force) to override the UUID mismatch.

Using the vSphere CLI:

vicfg-cfgbackup --server=ESXi_host --username=root -l backup_file

Using the vSphere CLI for Windows: --server=ESXi_host --username=root -l backup_file

Using the vSphere Power CLI:

Set-VMHost -VMHost ESXi_host -State 'Maintenance'
Set-VMHostFirmware -VMHost ESXi_host -Restore -SourcePath backup_file -HostUser username -HostPassword password

Using the ESXi Command Line: (Use numeric 1 as force option to override the UUID mismatch.)

vim-cmd hostsvc/maintenance_mode_enter
vim-cmd hostsvc/firmware/restore_config /tmp/configBundle.tgz