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'''File Management'''
'''File Management'''
COMMAND: vmkfstools
Creating a virtual disk
Creating a virtual disk
Line 9: Line 7:
Creating a VMFS
Creating a VMFS
   # vmkfstools -C vmfs5 -b 1m -S my_test_vmfs /vmfs/devices/disks/test.ID:1
   # vmkfstools -C vmfs5 -b 1m -S my_test_vmfs /vmfs/devices/disks/test.ID:1
Copying a file to another location
Copying a file to another location
Line 18: Line 14:
'''Host Management'''
'''Host Management'''
COMMAND: vicfg-hostops
Shutting down a single host
Shutting down a single host
Line 25: Line 19:
Rebooting entire cluster
Rebooting entire cluster
   # vicfg-hostops --operation reboot --cluster  
   # vicfg-hostops --operation reboot --cluster  
COMMAND: vicfg-cfgbackup
Backing up configuration data
Backing up configuration data
Line 42: Line 34:
'''Virtual Machine Management'''
'''Virtual Machine Management'''
COMMAND: svmotion
Relocating a virtual machine's storage (including the disks)  
Relocating a virtual machine's storage (including the disks)  
Line 49: Line 39:
Relocating a virtual machine's configuration file, but leaving the virtual disks
Relocating a virtual machine's configuration file, but leaving the virtual disks
   # svmotion - -datacenter='My DC' - -vm='[old_datastore] myvm/myvm.vmx:new_datastore' - -disks='[old_datastore] myvm/myvm_1.vmdk:old_datastore, [old_datastore] myvm/myvm_2.vmdk: old_datastore'
   # svmotion - -datacenter='My DC' - -vm='[old_datastore] myvm/myvm.vmx:new_datastore' - -disks='[old_datastore] myvm/myvm_1.vmdk:old_datastore, [old_datastore] myvm/myvm_2.vmdk: old_datastore'
COMMAND: vmware-cmd
Listing all registered virtual machines
Listing all registered virtual machines
Line 61: Line 49:
'''User Management'''
'''User Management'''
COMMAND: vicfg-user
Listing the existing users
Listing the existing users
Line 72: Line 58:
'''Virtual Network Management'''
'''Virtual Network Management'''
COMMAND: esxcli network vswitch
Listing all virtual switches and associated port groups
Listing all virtual switches and associated port groups
   # esxcli network vswitch standard list
   # esxcli network vswitch standard list
COMMAND: vicfg-vswitch
Listing all virtual switches and associated port groups
Listing all virtual switches and associated port groups
   # vicfg-vswitch -l
   # vicfg-vswitch -l
COMMAND: esxcfg-vswitch
Creating a new virtual switch
Creating a new virtual switch
Line 89: Line 69:
Adding or removing network cards (known as vmnics) to or from a vNetwork Distributed Switch (vDS)  
Adding or removing network cards (known as vmnics) to or from a vNetwork Distributed Switch (vDS)  
   # esxcfg-vswitch -P vmnic -V unused_dvPort_ID dvSwitch  
   # esxcfg-vswitch -P vmnic -V unused_dvPort_ID dvSwitch  
COMMAND: esxcfg-nics
Viewing the list of physical adapters and their link status
Viewing the list of physical adapters and their link status
Line 96: Line 74:
'''Storage Management'''
'''Storage Management'''
COMMAND: vicfg-scsidevs or esxcli storage core device list
Listing all logical devices known on the system
Listing all logical devices known on the system
Line 103: Line 79:
   # vicfg-scsidevs --list
   # vicfg-scsidevs --list
COMMAND: vicfg-mpath or esxcli storage core path
Listing all devices, along with corresponding paths, state of the path, adapter type, and other information
Listing all devices, along with corresponding paths, state of the path, adapter type, and other information
Line 114: Line 88:
   # vicfg-mpath --state off --path vmhba32:C0:T1:L0
   # vicfg-mpath --state off --path vmhba32:C0:T1:L0
COMMAND: vicfg-rescan adapter rescan or esxcli storage core adapter rescan
Rescanning a storage adapter
Rescanning a storage adapter
Line 121: Line 93:
   # vicfg-rescan TestAdapter
   # vicfg-rescan TestAdapter
COMMAND: esxcfg-mpath
Enabling or disabling a path
Enabling or disabling a path
   # esxcfg-mpath -P path -s state  
   # esxcfg-mpath -P path -s state  
COMMAND: esxcfg-info
Checking the ESX/ESXi host for host hardware info
Checking the ESX/ESXi host for host hardware info
Line 133: Line 101:
Filtering out information about a specific system
Filtering out information about a specific system
   # esxcfg-info | grep 'system uuid'
   # esxcfg-info | grep 'system uuid'
COMMAND: esxcli storage nmp
Listing paths to a single device
Listing paths to a single device
Line 142: Line 108:
'''iSCSI Storage Management'''
'''iSCSI Storage Management'''
COMMAND: esxcli iscsi
Enabling software iSCSI
Enabling software iSCSI
   # esxcli iscsi software set --enabled=true
   # esxcli iscsi software set --enabled=true
    # vicfg-iscsi --swiscsi enable
Adding a new adapter
Adding a new adapter
  # esxcli iscsi networkportal add -n -A  
  # esxcli iscsi networkportal add -n -A  
COMMAND: vicfg-iscsi
Enabling software iSCSI
  # vicfg-iscsi --swiscsi enable
Setting the iSCSI name and alias
Setting the iSCSI name and alias
   # vicfg-iscsi --iscsiname name
   # vicfg-iscsi --iscsiname name

Revision as of 13:28, 15 September 2017

File Management

Creating a virtual disk

 # vmkfstools -c 2048m testvirtualdisk.vmdk

Creating a VMFS

 # vmkfstools -C vmfs5 -b 1m -S my_test_vmfs /vmfs/devices/disks/test.ID:1

Copying a file to another location

 # vifs -c "[StorageName] VM/VM.vmx" "[StorageName] VM_backup/VM.vmx"

Listing all the directories

 # vifs --server -D "[StorageName] vms"

Host Management

Shutting down a single host

 # vicfg-hostops --operation shutdown --force

Rebooting entire cluster

 # vicfg-hostops --operation reboot --cluster 

Backing up configuration data

 # vicfg-cfgbackup -s /tmp/ESXi_181842_backup.txt

Restoring configuration data

 # vicfg-cfgbackup -l /tmp/ESXi_181842_backup.tgz

COMMAND: vicfg-authconfig

 # vicfg-authconfig --server=

  --username=   --password=   --authscheme AD --joindomain   --adusername=   --adpassword=

Virtual Machine Management

Relocating a virtual machine's storage (including the disks)

 # svmotion - -url=https://myvc.mycorp.com/sdk - -datacenter=DC1 - -vm="[storage1] myvm/myvm.vmx:new_datastore"

Relocating a virtual machine's configuration file, but leaving the virtual disks

 # svmotion - -datacenter='My DC' - -vm='[old_datastore] myvm/myvm.vmx:new_datastore' - -disks='[old_datastore] myvm/myvm_1.vmdk:old_datastore, [old_datastore] myvm/myvm_2.vmdk: old_datastore'

Listing all registered virtual machines

 # vmware-cmd -l

Registering a virtual machine

 # vmware-cmd -s register /vmfs/volumes/storage/VM/MyVM.vmx

Creating a snapshot

 # vmware-cmd -U -P -H VCServerABC -h ESXHost

   /vmfs/volumes/storage1/MyVM/MyVM.vmx createsnapshot

User Management

Listing the existing users

 # vicfg-user -e user -o list

Adding a new user with specified login ID and password

 # vicfg-user -e user -o add -l userx -p password1234

Creating a group

 # vicfg-user -e group -o add -d test

Virtual Network Management

Listing all virtual switches and associated port groups

 # esxcli network vswitch standard list

Listing all virtual switches and associated port groups

 # vicfg-vswitch -l

Creating a new virtual switch

 # esxcfg-vswitch a TestvSwitch

Adding or removing network cards (known as vmnics) to or from a vNetwork Distributed Switch (vDS)

 # esxcfg-vswitch -P vmnic -V unused_dvPort_ID dvSwitch 

Viewing the list of physical adapters and their link status

 # esxcfg-nics l 

Storage Management

Listing all logical devices known on the system

 # esxcli storage core device list
 # vicfg-scsidevs --list

Listing all devices, along with corresponding paths, state of the path, adapter type, and other information

 # esxcli storage core path list
 # vicfg-mpath --list-paths

Setting the state of a LUN path to "off"

 # esxcli storage core path set --state off --path vmhba32:C0:T1:L0
 # vicfg-mpath --state off --path vmhba32:C0:T1:L0

Rescanning a storage adapter

 # esxcli storage core adapter rescan --adapter=TestAdapter
 # vicfg-rescan TestAdapter

Enabling or disabling a path

 # esxcfg-mpath -P path -s state 

Checking the ESX/ESXi host for host hardware info

 # esxcfg-info | less i

Filtering out information about a specific system

 # esxcfg-info | grep 'system uuid'

Listing paths to a single device

 # esxcli storage nmp path list --device 

Setting configuration parameters for third-party extensions

 # esxcli storage nmp roundrobin setconfig

iSCSI Storage Management

Enabling software iSCSI

 # esxcli iscsi software set --enabled=true
   # vicfg-iscsi --swiscsi enable

Adding a new adapter

# esxcli iscsi networkportal add -n -A 

Setting the iSCSI name and alias

 # vicfg-iscsi --iscsiname name