Most useful PowerShell commands for Exchange
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Revision as of 21:19, 6 June 2019 by Fabricio.Lima (Talk | contribs)
Listing User
Get-Mailbox | Select DisplayName, SamAccountName, UserPrincipalName, PrimarySMTPAddress Get-MailboxStatistics -Database (DM) | Select DisplayName, TotalItemSize
Assign Mailbox Permissions
Assign “Full Access” permissions for a Mailbox
PowerShell command Syntax Add-MailboxPermission <Identity> -User <Identity> -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All PowerShell command Example Add-MailboxPermission John -User Suzan -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All
Assign “Send As” Permissions for a Mailbox
PowerShell command Syntax Add-RecipientPermission <Identity> -AccessRights SendAs -Trustee <Identity> PowerShell command Example Add-RecipientPermission John -AccessRights SendAs -Trustee Suzan Adjustments & Improvements To avoid the need for confirmation, we can add the option: “-Confirm:$False” Add-RecipientPermission John -Trustee Suzan -AccessRights SendAs -Confirm:$False
Assign “Send As” Permissions for recipient for each member in a distribution group
PowerShell command Syntax $DL = Get-DistributionGroupMember Foreach ($item in $DL) { Add-RecipientPermission $ -AccessRights SendAs –Trustee <Identity> -Confirm:$False } PowerShell command Example $DL = Get-DistributionGroupMember DL-01 Foreach ($item in $DL) { Add-RecipientPermission $ -AccessRights SendAs –Trustee Suzan -Confirm:$False}
Display permissions for a Mailbox
Display “Full Access” Permissions for a Mailbox
PowerShell command Syntax Get-MailboxPermission <Identity> PowerShell command Example Get-MailboxPermission John Adjustments & Improvements For improving the quality of the output we can use an additional PowerShell parameter that will “clean” the unnecessary information: Get-MailboxPermission John | Where { ($_.IsInherited -eq $False) -and -not ($_.User -like “NT AUTHORITY\SELF”) } | Select Identity,user,AccessRights
Revoke Permissions
Revoke “Full Access” Permissions
PowerShell command Syntax Remove-MailboxPermission <Identity> -User <Identity> -AccessRights FullAccess PowerShell command Example Remove-MailboxPermission John -User Suzan -AccessRights FullAccess Adjustments & Improvements To avoid the need for confirmation, we can add the option: “-Confirm:$False” Remove-MailboxPermission John -User Suzan -AccessRights FullAccess -Confirm:$False
Migration statistics
Get-MigrationUser -BatchId StagedBatch1 | Get-MigrationUserStatistics
Message Tracking log
Get-MessageTrackingLog -Start "02/26/2018 08:23:00" -End "02/28/2018 17:00:00" -Recipients $recipientSMTP -Server $ExchServer
Set Auto-Reply
Set-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration -Identity "Desmond Miles" -AutoReplyState Enabled ` -InternalMessage "I'm currently on leave until 23th April. Please contact Ezio Auditore on x72023 for urgent matters." AutoReplyState can also be: AutoReplyState Scheduled –StartTime “02/28/2018 07:00:00” –EndTime 03/18/2018 17:00:00
Export Mailbox to PST
New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox User01 -FilePath ‘\\SERVER01\PSTFileShare\User01_Recovered.pst’
Create Office 365 Users
New-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName "[email protected]" -DisplayName " Desmond Miles " -FirstName "Desmond" -LastName "Miles" -UsageLocation "CH" -LicenseAssignment "Contoso:BPOS_Standard" New-MsolUser -DisplayName <DisplayName> -FirstName <FirstName> -LastName <LastName> -UserPrincipalName <Account> -UsageLocation <CountryCode> -LicenseAssignment <AccountSkuID> [-Password <Password>]
Create Office 365 Users in Bulk mode
UserPrincipalName,FirstName,LastName,DisplayName,UsageLocation,AccountSkuId [email protected],Claude,Loiselle,Claude Loiselle,US,contoso:ENTERPRISEPACK [email protected],Lynne,Baxter,Lynne Baxter,US,contoso:ENTERPRISEPACK [email protected],Shawn,Melendez,Shawn Melendez,US,contoso:ENTERPRISEPACK
Import-Csv -Path <Input CSV File Path and Name> | foreach {New-MsolUser -DisplayName $_.DisplayName -FirstName $_.FirstName -LastName $_.LastName -UserPrincipalName $_.UserPrincipalName -UsageLocation $_.UsageLocation -LicenseAssignment $_.AccountSkuId [-Password $_.Password]} | Export-Csv -Path <Output CSV File Path and Name>
Office 365 commands: