ESX common commands
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Revision as of 13:12, 15 September 2017 by Fabricio.Lima (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:VMware COMMAND: vmkfstools This command helps in creating and manipulating virtual disks, file systems, logical volumes, and physical storage devices on an ESXi...")
COMMAND: vmkfstools
This command helps in creating and manipulating virtual disks, file systems, logical volumes, and physical storage devices on an ESXi host. It also allows administrators to create and manage a VMFS on a physical partition of a disk and to manipulate files, such as virtual disks, stored on VMFS-3 and NFS. Here are some examples:
Creating a virtual disk
# vmkfstools -c 2048m testvirtualdisk.vmdk
Creating a VMFS
# vmkfstools -C vmfs5 -b 1m -S my_test_vmfs /vmfs/devices/disks/test.ID:1
COMMAND: vifs This command helps in performing file system operations like copying, removing, getting, and placing files and directories on remote hosts. Here are some examples: Copying a file to another location
# vifs -c "[StorageName] VM/VM.vmx" "[StorageName] VM_backup/VM.vmx"
Listing all the directories
# vifs --server -D "[StorageName] vm"