Maintenance Page in case of pools failed
From Tech-Wiki
Revision as of 18:46, 20 May 2019 by Fabricio.Lima (Talk | contribs)
when LB_FAILED { HTTP::redirect "" }
Or below
when HTTP_REQUEST { # Check if the VS default pool has any active members if {[active_members $default_pool]}{ pool $default_pool } else { pool sorry_pool } }
For Priority group use below instead
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { if { [active_members -list http_pool] >= 2 } { pool http_pool } }
Or below
when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [active_members [LB::server pool]] < 2 } { if { not ([HTTP::uri] starts_with "/SecureServer") } { HTTP::uri /SecureServer[HTTP::uri] } } }