MS-DOS to Linux commands

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Many Linux commands typed at a shell prompt are similar to the commands you would type in MS-DOS. In fact, some commands are identical.

Command's Purpose MS-DOS Linux Example
Lists files dir ls ls -la
Copies files copy cp cp file.txt /home/directory
Moves files move mv mv file.txt /home/directory
Renames a file ren mv mv thisfile.txt thatfile.txt
Deletes files del rm rm file.txt
Deletes folders rd rm -rf rm -rf /home/directory
Changes directories with a relative path cd .. cd .. cd ..
Changes directories with a specified path (absolute path) cd pathname cd pathname cd /home/directory
Creates a directory md mkdir mkdir directory
Shows your location in the file system cd pwd pwd
Shows contents of a file type cat cat file.txt
Finds a string in a file find grep grep abc file.txt
Compares the contents of files fc diff diff file1 file2
Screens through a file more less less file.txt
Clears screen cls clear clear
Closes prompt window exit exit exit
Displays or sets date date date date
Displays the time time date date
"Echoes" output on the screen echo echo echo this message
Edits files with simple text editor edit pico pico file.txt
Formats a thumbdrive format D: mke2fs (or mformat) /sbin/mke2fs /dev/usb0
Compress files arj tar/gzip tar zcvf /home/directory
Displays command help command /? command --help ls --help (or man ls)
Shows amount of RAM and use mem free free
Ping a host ping ping ping
Shows network connections netstat netstat netstat -na
Shows IP address ipconfig ifconfig ifconfig

Additional essential Linux commands, with no equivalent in MS-DOS are listed below:

df: Display disk space usage
find: Search for files and directories within a directory hierarchy
tail: Display the last lines of log files
chmod: Change file permissions
chown: Change file owner and group
sudo/su: Execute a command as the superuser
apt-get/yum/dnf: Package management commands for installing packages
ps: Display information about active processes
kill: Terminate processes
crontab: Schedule tasks

Useful equivalencies to be aware of:

autoexec.bat: /etc/rc.local
Pipe | works the same: cat file.txt | grep abc
C:\Users: /home
Registry: /etc
DLLs: /lib