ZEN Error Codes for Kerberos

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If Kerberos authentication fails, the ZEN displays a page with an error code. The details of the error codes are as follows:

Error Code Description When It Occurs What to do
441000, 461000 The user cannot be found. The user was deleted or cannot be found in the registered domain. Add the user.
451000 The domain does not exist. The realm is not a registered domain on the Zscaler service. Contact Zscaler support to add the realm as a registered domain.
491000, 501000 Invalid Kerberos token or username. The computer time is incorrect. Kerberos is very sensitive to clocks being in sync. Ensure that computer time is correct and it synchronizes from an NTP server.

For more information please refer to the Zscaler article - ZEN Error Codes for Kerberos